Sustainable Growth

Sustainability & Innovation are the drivers of businesses and services shared among the companies belonging to Navest Holding Company.


Partnering with clients for sustainable growth is an ambitious but already concrete challenge, as the centralization of the holding company’s vision and mission allows for the declination and standardization of each company’s strategies, processes and working methods.

Your space at its best.

Work better, live better.


Navest operates in full compliance with ESG values and for the achievement of the 17 goals of the UN 2030 Agenda in terms of

corporate governance

environmental and financial sustainability

worker welfare

social responsibility in the territories where it operates

Le aziende della Holding sono molto attente alla parità di genere, alla diversità ed all’inclusione, sono presenti lavoratori provenienti da ben cinquantuno nazionalità diverse.

Formazione e meritocrazia sono alla base di ogni attività per la valorizzazione delle risorse umane.


“Your space at its best.”
“Work better, live better.”

This is the belief of a vision and mission shared and supported by the companies belonging to the Holding Company.

Navest creates the conditions for partner companies to work at their best, so that they can focus on their business and develop their related core business. It helps them to improve productive performance by letting their people have better quality work spaces.


All companies have obtained numerous certifications attesting to the quality of processes and working methods. Technical, environmental, governance and economic certifications such as the “SI Rating” on the level of sustainability achieved in terms of ESG values.