Your space at its best
For thirty-five years, Pfe has been supporting clients in the public and private sector with their facility management services.
It helps them in their respective core businesses through an asset of hard and soft facility services in the civil, health and industrial fields.
PFE has designed and patented the “Clever Job” working method based on lean management principles, organization of work aimed at waste minimization and process optimization.

Performances Facility Enviroments

Performances Facility Enviroments
Special Projects
Environmental sustainability and innovation
pfe looks to an increasingly sustainable future through innovation and the improvement of company performances and processes.
Sustainable Building
Sustainable Building is a project aimed at the sustainable growth of clients. The underlying method involves studying the status quo of buildings in the areas of energy, water, waste management, logistics and mobility.
The study enables planning of follow-up actions and improvement solutions in the respective areas of intervention to improve each business in terms of sustainable performance and economic savings for the client.
Sustainable Building is synergistic and functional to the implementation of services useful for preparing the Sustainability Report of the clients of Pfe.
Pfe is present and works throughout the national territory with over four thousand people involved in a thousand active construction sites between public and private clients.
Pfe has acquired a digital platform called GSP4PFE, a strategic tool useful to the “digital twin” of real estate assessment data.
The platform allows for geolocation of the data for each individual asset and is used for monitoring work performance and management, and control of maintenance interventions to plants.
Today, Pfe is working throughout the country with more than four thousand people employed at a thousand active construction sites by clients in the public and private sectors.